Channel: Results – Her Fitness

Jamie’s Results


Jamie G B&A Oct 2014

“Since first joining Flemington Boot Camps, I loved the changes Marie helped me make in my life; however, I recently decided to participate in her 6 week back to school transformation challenge and WOW, I cannot believe the results!  In just 6 weeks I lost 9 lbs!  My scale had been stuck for weeks and I knew I needed to make some changes if I was going to loose those last few lbs, but I never expected to experience such a dramatic transformation.  I followed Marie’s plan and gave it my all at her work out classes.  The differences I’m seeing in my body and overall health are amazing.  I’m healthier now than I’ve ever been, feel so much stronger, and have dramatically increased my energy and endurance.   I feel absolutely fabulous and countless people have asked what I’ve done.  The challenge helped me change my habits and even now that it’s over I have no desire to slip back into the bad ones.  I cannot believe how great I feel!  Friends that I hadn’t seen in quite some times almost didn’t recognize me saying that is wasn’t just the weight loss, but that overall I looked so much happier and healthier.  Thank you Marie Ande and Flemington Boot Camps!”

Jamie Gunderman

Why use a food journal? I don’t care!


Why should you write down everything you eat and drink?

The most important reason is because it works!

Most of my clients find me because they want a safe, non-judgemental place to work out at and a trainer who will actually help them achieve the results they are after – Fat Loss!

Fat loss is important to many of us because we feel more energetic, healthier, more confident, stronger and just plain “Better” when we are of good body weight and “lean-ness.”

When a client comes to me and fat loss or improving  health is her primary reason for showing up, one of the first things I have her start is a food journal.

Woman filling out food journalSome people blow it off.

Those who want to change, who want to look good, feel good, have more energy and fit into their short from two summers ago will follow my advice and fill out the food journal and hand it in.

It is a proven tool and winners of the fat loss game use it.

It’s just a tool.

What it is NOT is a judgement meter. I don’t really care what you are eating, I care that we fix what needs fixing.

I guess that’s not completely accurate because I do care what you are eating.

I care because I KNOW what you put into your mouth will make your body and mind feel good or feel poorly and I want you to feel GREAT! However, I don’t think differently of you as a person – as long as you have high morals and values, respect for others, don’t steal, your kind, etc. – if you drink a bottle of red wine and eat a block of cheese.

As your personal trainer and as a woman on a mission to help other women feel great, be strong and have positive, optimal health related  influence on their families, the only reason I care is because I know the impact it will have on your body, emotions and spirit.

Start today on your own food journal and stop putting emotions on the food you eat, just ask for help on how to build strategies around eating better quality foods that will give you more energy, confidence, strength and health.

Get A Hit Of Dopamine


I’m a big consumer of books, podcasts, articles, etc….I love to learn and reenforce stuff that helps me be a better coach, mother, wife, citizen, Christian….

Recently I listened to The Art Of Charm (AOC) podcast because the title was “Quantity over Quality” and as a recovering (maybe a continuing) perfectionist, this got my attention.

Over at AOC the podcast went on to say how that “when we complete a task, our brains get a shot of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that serves as a precursor to epinephrine, which gives us that pleasurable “high” associated with getting stuff done.”

That high in turn makes subsequent tasks much more doable.

You can probably imagine how this applies to work tasks, home chores, but how about your fitness?

How does putting in quantity and getting done with “fitness” give you a hit of dopamine?

In addition to the actual chemical changes that take place because you are moving and elevating your heart rate, I see this as showing up consistently for your workouts whether you feel like it or not, doing a workout and completing it even if it’s not your best day and being okay with the occasional sub-optimal workouts (because quantity helps improve quality).

So, get a hit of dopamine by regularly finishing the task of exercise;)

To make it more effective, put your goal of “x times per week” I will exercise and then put it on your calendar (the exact time!)

If you need to improve your mood through exercising on a regular basis, being held accountable helps you stay consistent. Luckily, we’ve got just the program coming up!

Our Total Body Transformation Challenge starts January 22 and I can only accept 10 women who have the time and ability to workout at least 3 times per week.

Our program includes:

  • Group Personal Training up to 3x per week
  • Meal Plan
  • Daily Accountability
  • Customized exercises
  • Grocery list and more.

She Went From 1’S To 9’S



She went from a 1 to a 9.
Last Thursday I sent an e-mail about How You Feel is so important…our workouts are not only about looking better, they are about Feeling Better.

I ask my clients to fill out a form.

This gives me, your trainer and you, the client,  an indication of how things are going.

Check it out for yourself here on the video above!

Your life can be better, too. You just have to take the first step…even if it’s scary (and I know it is so hard to take that first step of even calling or e-mailing me).

If you want to FEEL BETTER about your fitness, if you want your body to have a different shape than it does today,  but  you don’t know what to do, how to do it, etc. and you want to take back control of your physical body so that you FEEL BETTER, please consider our upcoming  Total Body Transformation Challenge . It starts January 22 and I can only accept 10 women who have the time and ability to workout at least 3 times per week.   Spots, especially, during certain training sessions, are extremely limited.

Are you embarrassed that you don’t know what to do or that you won’t be able to “keep up”? (Every single woman, including me, had her first day in the gym so we know how you feel!)

Don’t be….that is why we are here:) . We are here to help you. Our program includes:

  • Group Personal Training up to 3x per week
  • Meal Plan
  • Daily Accountability
  • Customized exercises
  • Grocery list and more.


Women Who Get Results Do This ONE Main Thing


I was thinking about why some women get the results they really want, while others just never seem to make a shift.


I came up with a whole bunch of ideas why women don’t have significant change like these:


  • The foods they think are “healthy” aren’t really healthy for them.
  • There are too many temptations at home/work/school, etc.
  • They don’t get enough sleep (a biggie!).
  • They have unknown hormonal imbalances.
  • They eat too many calories.
  • They drink too many calories.
  • They don’t exercise.
  • They don’t lift weights.
  • They do too much cardio.
  • They experience too much stress.


I came up with ONE main thing done by women who DO get the results they want:


  • They spend more time doing the right things than the “wrong” things.


For instance, more often than not, they eat 3 to 5 servings of vegetables per day. Some days, it’s only 1 or 2 servings, but most days it’s 3 to 5 or more.


Most weeks, they exercise at least 3 days per week. Some weeks, it’s none or only once. But most weeks, they exercise (including lifting weights) three days per week.


Most nights, they have no alcohol or limit it to one.


So, if you’re not getting the results you have been expecting, sit down and take a hard look at what your habits are most of the time.


If you’re not really sure where you fall on the spectrum, I’m happy to help you figure it out!

Do you need accountability


I recently had a conversation with a client who shared the number one reason behind her remarkable results. Surprisingly, it wasn’t about finding the perfect workout program, following a flawless diet plan, or discovering a game-changing supplement.

“It’s accountability,” she said.

We often hear the term “accountability” in the fitness industry, but what does it truly entail?

Accountability means acknowledging that you don’t have to go on this journey alone. 

It means having someone by your side, whether it’s a workout buddy, a significant other, or a coach, who can guide you, cheer you, remind you of your goals and give you honest feedback.

With their support, it becomes easier to bounce back when you veer off track.

Accountability means going beyond simply visiting the gym at your own convenience and doing random workouts.

It means committing to scheduled workout sessions with someone you enjoy being around, whether it’s a friend or a trainer. Even on days when you feel unmotivated, having a set appointment encourages you to show up, ensuring you don’t disappoint your workout partner.

Accountability involves having someone who can celebrate your victories, not only when you overcome challenges but also when you successfully meet daily goals such as staying hydrated or reaching your protein intake.


Therefore, regardless of your fitness goals, it’s crucial not to embark on this journey alone.

Find someone who can provide the necessary accountability for your workouts, nutrition, and overall healthy habits. This partnership will not only bring you greater happiness and enjoyment throughout your journey but also lead to better results.

What better way to have double accountability – February is 2 for 1 Month! Anyone joining my 30-Day Get Stronger program can join with a friend for the price of one!

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